Doing my church bible study on Ephesians 2, listing the ways we used to be before we were saved by God, and that we were previously children of wrath. I was baptized as an infant and chosen by God and brought up in the faith, so this has always been a little bit difficult for me. I know what I am without God because I frequently act as if I am without God, even though I am not. And I can imagine a previous existence without Him, perhaps in the spirit world, I do not know. But having been brought up in the faith and having believed since I was young, it is difficult for me to identify with those who have once felt distant from God or that they were children of wrath. Filled with, or perhaps even consumed with, sins and lusts of the flesh and mind. Although, I am certainly “indulgent”! Thinking instead, “Gosh, I don’t feel like that at all right now. I feel loved and treasured – a child of God.” God, reminding me why: “Daughter, I am giving you grace despite your indulgence, because I have saved you and made you My own, not because of anything you have done to deserve it.” “But it (Your love) makes me better, right?” Yes, love seems to be a tool He uses in chiseling us into His Image! Strange thought…love as a chisel! But not everything the Master does to mold us into His image is painful :-).