The “Mow-lawner.” I came home & opened my back door to a beautiful, freshly mowed lawn. My husband got a day off on Saturday because it wouldn’t stop raining long enough to do it, which probably made him just a little bit happy. But sure enough on Sunday, a traditional day of rest, he spied his opportunity – a brief window of dryness in the afternoon – & was out there dutifully mowing the lawn, as always. With the recent rains the grass has grown fast & furiously, & even if we didn’t live in a subdivision with an HOA who peers perilously into our yards looking for things to slap a citation on us for (actually it’s not that bad, but you know HOA’s can be slightly annoying) my husband would dutifully keep our lawn & the exterior of our house appearance in order & up to snuff. Because that’s who he is. When we were in transition between the failed “dream house” project & our in-between house which was to tide us over until we finally made it to our destination, we resided in a hotel he*#! – um, I mean, “home” for approximately 5 months. Don’t ask why – it was a blessing, ‘tho somewhat cramped! At that point my son was 3 1/2 half years old. When we asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he said “a hotel-seller,” because that is the person he saw most frequently outside of our family. We checked in with the man at the hotel counter almost daily :-). Before that, however, we had asked him what he wanted to be (when we were back in our 1st house) & he had said a “mow-lawner.” Because that is what Daddy did. That is what he expected he was also to do :-). He did not know if he could make a living at it, he probably knew nothing about making a living at all! Only that it was something he watched his father do regularly. Now…I have pictures of when my son mowed his 1st lawn, as a gangly middle school preteen, with dripping hair in his face & looking not too happy at all! I doubt if he would have given you a similar answer then! However, I feel what his true wish was, was to be like his Daddy! So I look at the beautifully manicured lawn, fresh with dew, & I thank God I have such a godly, responsible man as a role model for my son. To my “mow-lawner.” 😉